Urgent Help! Immedite Attention!
Written by Spartan   

September 3rd, 2005, 11:29 AM
I need help badly. My CD-ROM drive won't work right. Here how it is, my computer can't read game discs at all even thou my game discs are clean. And when I play CDs on my computer it does a screech sound instead. I'm not sure how to fix even thou I'm a big tech geek. If you know the problem, privite message me or post here. PLZ HELP ME!!:sad:

September 3rd, 2005, 12:17 PM
if this just started happening out of the blue, then its probably your cd-rom drive. buy a replacement for it and it should fix all your problems.

September 3rd, 2005, 01:48 PM
that screech sound makes me think it's a physical problem with the drive....probally some componant failed somewhere......you're better off buying a new one to replace it....regular CDRoms are much cheaper now, too, which is good.....

September 3rd, 2005, 01:57 PM
Ok thanks, guys. I thought it was because it wasn't updated and I tried to update it but it was already up to date. I would've of never knew I had to buy a new CD-ROM drive and replace the current one I have.

September 4th, 2005, 03:04 AM
I it uses a tray, it may be that one of the rubber belts that make the cd drive eject is off the wheel, maybe a screw got loose and the parts are grinding, or maybe the lense got scratched, it happened to me before. If you are set against a replacement, try the n00b section or the questions section on defcon, if you try, for the love of god read the rules and faq, and don't have a fucktard name, or you WILL be banned, and your ip address along with your e-mail posted on 'various' websites. (This depends on how much of a fucktard you were)

February 20th, 2006, 06:03 AM
they are not too hard to take apart and give a good clean i am thinking one of the belts myself if it has just come off then should be easy ..if snapped may be cheaper to buy a new drive

February 20th, 2006, 12:30 PM
My comp has made a screech sound before but it was a one time deal i try taking good care of my comp:happy: