PS3's New Controller: Motion Sensitive
Written by DeathscytheX   

May 8th, 2006, 10:16 PM
May 8, 2006 - Today at SCEA's E3 press conference, Ken Kutaragi came on stage near the end of the conference to deliver the final piece of the PS3 puzzle: the controller. Last E3, Sony showed off a completely different controller from the usual Dual Shock 2 rev, and was reminiscent of a Batarang.

However, it seems that Sony ( has listened to the criticisms of fans and it's clients and have reverted back to the traditional Dual Shock design for the PS3, which will make gamers happier. In addition, the new Dual Shock 3 will be wireless, with a USB ( connection in case you want to be wired.

The biggest surprise was when Phil Harrison joined Ken Kutaragi on stage to show off the secret feature of the Dual Shock 3: six degrees of freedom. Using technology similar to what we've seen in past games, players can now move the controller ( freely in order to manipulate the action on the screen.

This was shown by Dylan Jobe, who is the producer/director of Warhawk, which will make an appearance on the system. In the short two minute demo, Jobe was shown flying his craft by handling the controller in a similar fashion to that of an aircraft stick. Before that, Harrison also showed two demos using this feature, with a helicoptor and the traditional rubber duck.

We'll have more information on the DS3 as soon as we get our hands on it!

I had to bold face that one part. :p

Strider Hiryu
May 8th, 2006, 10:23 PM
Just another reason to love Sony, they always listen to us. o.O and a motion sensor to boot. I'd love to we what Namco can produce Ace Combat wise with a controller like that.

May 8th, 2006, 10:25 PM
Just another reason to love Sony, they always listen to us. o.O and a motion sensor to boot. I'd love to we what Namco can produce Ace Combat wise with a controller like that.

For real.. it would make it alot easier to roll and press one button insted of holding the shoulder buttons and using the D-pad.

Strider Hiryu
May 8th, 2006, 10:47 PM
Man I can think of the possibilites. It's too bad Ace Combat Zero came out on the PS2, I really think it could of taken full advantage of the motion sensor in the PS3 controller (and maybe make the final aerial battle a little easier to beat).

I'm laughing my ass off right now at how many people are whining on the Gamespot forums about how Sony stole Nintendo's idea and how they can't come up with an original controller design. It's sad really that they whine about it. Atleast Sony has the common sense to listen to their fans and actually incorporate the motion sensor tech into a controller thats feasible to use.

May 8th, 2006, 10:49 PM
They are whining because Sony took away the only thing that was specail about the system... why are they complaining anyways.. its probably alot more limited than Nintendo's version.

Its not Sony's fault they have the most confortable controller that has ever been made.

Strider Hiryu
May 8th, 2006, 10:54 PM
I must admit thats a slick looking Dual Shock (even if it does look like all the rest). It's true, the Playstation has always had the most comfortable controller out there (well except for the S Controller for Xbox, I like the feel of it for FPS's).

Even if the motion sensor is limited in the PS3 controller atleast the tech is being used in a more feasible controller. Using it in a remote just makes my wrist want to cry.

May 8th, 2006, 11:21 PM
Yeah, I ment stock controllers. To me the most confortable controller of them all is the Madcatz Micro for Gamecube. But i perfer not to purchase extra commercials.

I like the silver.. but I perfer black.

I can also see uses in FPS and in using camera angle changes in MGS. this is a interesting development indeed.

May 8th, 2006, 11:36 PM
I love it when they listen to their damn target market :p

May 9th, 2006, 11:26 AM
Yay! Go Sony, for listening to their fans! Ha, eat that, Bill!

AND it comes with motion snesor? *thinks about hours of Ace Combat playtime*

Now I can't wait for tomorrow, when G4 goes to E3.

Strider Hiryu
May 9th, 2006, 11:46 AM
Just got done watching Sony's Press Conference from E3 (go being a GameSpot member). Showed the motion sensor tech in action with a flight demo. I must say I'm extremely impressed with the capabilities this brings to a flight sim.

May 9th, 2006, 02:30 PM
The only downside is now there is no rumble feature =\

Strider Hiryu
May 9th, 2006, 02:41 PM
Actually the introduction of the motion sensor warrants the loss of the rumble feature. I'm not really going to miss the rumbling, in fact it got extremely annoying at time is some games.

I'll admit the rumble feature was good for games like Ace Combat but other then that it will not be missed by me.

May 9th, 2006, 03:18 PM
I think that was a good idea going back in all to it's old school controller...But I didn't mind having to use a plastic silver banana as a controller. <_<

May 10th, 2006, 12:04 PM
The only downside is now there is no rumble feature =\

Yeah, I'm going to miss it too...:sad:

But beggars can't be choosers. At least we're getting our contoller back.

May 10th, 2006, 11:03 PM
i love the rumble feature. :( and it does seem a bit abrupt for sony to just bust out with a motion sensor feature. but by doing that, they're trying to put the finishing blow on nintendo. all the games that were going to be made exclusivly to work with nintendo's motion sensitive controller could now be adapted to ps3.

and i'm glad they kept with the traditional controller design. if its not broke, why fix it? :nod:

I think that was a good idea going back in all to it's old school controller...But I didn't mind having to use a plastic silver banana as a controller. <_<

i lmao when i saw that silver banana. X'D

May 10th, 2006, 11:08 PM
Not entirely. PS3s controller is no where near as advance in motion sensitivity as Wii. It would still be hard to port titles and only ones that make limited use of motion input. It is a nice touch though. I am impressed how it is being utilized from what I've seen in Warhawk's gameplay.

I dont think Sony's excuse that it interfears with the sensor is the real reason. I think it comes down to battery Life.. Wii's remote has rumble. I am sure we will see a Dualshock 4 sometime down the line with Rumble.

May 10th, 2006, 11:19 PM
ah, good points. nintendo will be able to keep exclusives while sony can offer motion sensor tech too... thus leaving microsoft another step behind.

i remember reading something about a pending lawsuit related to sony's use of the rumble feature.. they might have had to dump it in the end regardless tho. :\ batterly life makes sense too. i wonder how long the ps3 controller can last without recharging..

May 10th, 2006, 11:23 PM
I thought of battery life because the Wavebird for GC doesnt have rumble for the same reason... Nintendo seemed to figure out the magic formula, unless you get an hour of play time on Wii befor recharge.. -_-;

I didn't think of that lawsuit, that is a good point. They'll probably think of something. Rumble is really important to me, I like that satisfying vibration that confirms I was on target.

May 11th, 2006, 06:26 AM
Rumble is really important to me, I like that satisfying vibration that confirms I was on target.
there are some many comments you lined yourself up with that sentence...where should is start XD

May 11th, 2006, 12:01 PM
:p i was waiting for someone to say something like that X"D