Japanese terms/lang (merged) PDF Print E-mail
Written by Godgrave   
Sunday, 15 April 2007
October 6th, 2005, 04:55 PM
Most of us love the language so much that we pick up things from the Jap voice actors and the subtitles. It's not always easy to guess what they're saying, but maybe with the help of this thread, we could learn a lot more about the language ^_^

Hehe ... so, I propose we all post whatever little/lot that we know from the language. Also feel free to help someone out and point out a mistake ... like I simply go by chance with some of these words and guess a lot ^_^:

Arigato gozaimasu - Thanks a lot.
Nanda / Nani - What
Dakara - So
Dosh tano - What's wrong
Wakata - Understood

Princess Tasha
October 6th, 2005, 06:20 PM
You told me once that Kawaii means cute ^_^

Dark's Angel
October 6th, 2005, 08:20 PM
Here's the ones that i can think of right now...

Itai- painful
Houshi- Buddhist priest
tadaima- I'm home!
owari- The end
otousan - Father
ojiisan- grandfather
obaasan- grandmother

October 6th, 2005, 08:27 PM
EDIT: Nevermind, not gonna go there. X'D

Dark's Angel
October 6th, 2005, 08:30 PM
Oops I meant grandmother...^_^;

October 6th, 2005, 08:57 PM
*Runs in screaming "BAKA!!!" at the top of his lungs* X'D Japanese seems just way to hard for me to learn, although I would love to learn it.

Dark's Angel
October 6th, 2005, 09:00 PM
Some words are easier to learn than others. Putting them into sentences and speaking the sentences is the hard part for me. I know a limited amount of words and I have to learn more.

October 6th, 2005, 09:07 PM
im not gonna even list cause i can honestly listen to anime now and understand it...i absorb stuff like that easy...hehe new book learn japanese by anime XD

October 6th, 2005, 11:44 PM

October 7th, 2005, 09:28 AM
It's easier to learn languages by just listening to a song and learning from there too. But I must admit, it's tough to get the pronunciations hehe ... real tongue twisters they are X'D ! I've semi memorized the opening track to Fruits Basket by default from viewing it a lot.

October 7th, 2005, 09:32 AM
its funny how some words in diff langs sound alike.
When I get all flustered I start a sentance in english and end up throwing in italian spanish or jap phrases/words
no wonder nobody understands me :meh:

October 7th, 2005, 09:33 AM
*would post what's picked up biut would get baned in the process.*

October 7th, 2005, 10:00 AM
GG's right about the songs thing...German is quite a bit easier to learn formally now, having already picked up a lot of words and a few basic grammatical rules. :nod:

*would post what's picked up biut would get baned in the process.*


October 7th, 2005, 11:27 AM
I think we all know those words already :meh:

October 9th, 2005, 02:52 PM
boku wa anata ga suki desu! = i love you

desu - is/are
watashi - my/mine
boku - i/me
anata - you(sweetheart)
otaku - you
konbanwa - good evening
ohayou gozaimasu- good morning
konnichiwa - good afternoon
mushi mushi - hello
genki desu ka? - how are you?
ii - good
warui - bad
yoi - bad(used as base word when adding tenses)
iie - no
hai - yes
onna - girl
hito - person
dare - who
namae - name
nani - what
doko - where(i could be wrong on this one)
are/ano - that over there
kore/kono - this
sore/sono - that
dore/dono - which
youchein - kindergarten
shougakkou - primary school(elementary)
chuugakkou - middle school
koutougakkou - high school
daigaku - university
juku - "cram" school
tatte - stand
suwatte - sit
itte - go/say
kite - come
kiite - listen
mite - look
yonde - read
benkyou - study
renkshuu - practice
hanashimasu - speak
janai desu - your wrong

blah, i could go on forever...ish but yah looking back on it i have forgotten alot of japanese vocabulary, but if you want me to make a list of particles and sentance structure i will, i still remember them well - japanese is only hard as far as the written language, otherwise its just as hard as learning any other languages new vocabulary, a little easier as well.

October 21st, 2005, 09:42 AM
terse vowels, pronounced clearly and sharply.
a - ah
e - get
i - we
o - old
u - soon

Oniisan - big brother (oh-nee-san)

Oneesan - big sister (oh-nay-san)

daijoubu - okay/alright - daijoubu? you okay? (die-jho- boo)

Yamero! - thats enough! (ya-may-row))
Someone runs their mouth and you tell em Yamero :p Ed says it a lot in FMA.

sugee - cool. (sue-gay)
In eng we say cooool in jap it's sugeeeee (hold the ee (ay sound) longer.)

nan de ya nen - what the hell (non day yah nen)

yokatta - I'm so glad. (yo - cot tah)
Kagome says it a lot when she sees Inuyasha still lives :p

hai - yes, but not necissarly in agreement. It's more of an aknowledgement as in I hear you. (hi)

moshi moshi - hello on the phone when you answer. (mo-she mo-she)

Sumi masen - excuse me to get someones attention. (sue-me mah-sen)

Gomen nasai - pardon me, I'm sorry. Connotates that you were in the wrong. (go-men nah-sigh)
Usually the two n's are spoken very close together so it almost sounds like a compound word.

Kudasai - please when asking for something. (coo-dah-sigh)

domo - thanks. (doh-moh)
arigatou - thank you. (are-e-got-oh)
domo arigatou- thank you ver much. The thanks are doubled.
domo arigatou gaziamasu- polite way to say thank you. (gah-zeye-mahs)

ohayo - good morning. (ohio) :p
ohayo gaziamasu- polite way to say good morning.

Ee - yes. (eh)

Oi - hey. (oy)

chichi - refering to your own father (chee-chee)
otoosan - somebody elses father (oh-tohh-san)

haha- refering to your own mother (hah-hah)
okaasan - somebody elses mother (oh-kahh-san)

October 21st, 2005, 10:55 AM
Wow, that was really cool ... puts some things in perspective for me, when it comes to the language ^_^. I like the way you've segregated the meaning along with the pronunciations.

October 21st, 2005, 11:05 AM
Ppl have a difficult time w/ jap because of how differently the vowels are pronounced. Also words that end with su, sometimes that u is 'silent' desu is pronounced dehss. :p ya kin?

October 21st, 2005, 11:19 AM
That's what I was beginning to notice with "itadakimasu" being said by different people in different anime. Some gave the 'u' emphasis while others didn't and I presumed it probably depended on what part of Japan you were from that decided some pronunciations, like in the US or in India per say. I think too much and in all the wrong aspects X'D

Ya kin ... :happy: ... aaaahhhh ... :sweat: aaaa what does that mean ? Interestingly, if you say it as one word (yakin/yakeen) it'd mean 'believe' in Hindi.

October 21st, 2005, 11:36 AM
ya kin is King speak for ya understand :p

In english we don't assign gender to any of our words. A lot of other langs do. Espanol does and jap does too.

Nani-yo! - what do you want!? addressing a female. (nah-nee yoh)
Nanda-yo! - what do you want?! addressing a male. (Nahn-dah yoh)
neither are particularly polite :p but asserts the speaker.

Yamete-yo - stop it addressing a female. (yah-mee-teh yoh)
Yamero-yo - stop it addressing a male. (yah-mee-roh yoh)


speaking of the silent u :look:

musuko - your own son. (Moo-skoh).
To me when I hear it sounds like M'skoh. Like how Mr. Mackey says M'kay. Same with M'suemay.
musukosan - somebody elses son.
musume - your own daughter. (Moo-sue-may)
ojoosan - somebody elses daughter. (oh-joh-san)
dokushin desu - I am single. (dohk-shin dehss)

October 21st, 2005, 01:20 PM
Well here are some dont mind the spelling...

Chichubei: Father
Inu: Dog
Shinigami: God of death
Rei: Spirit
Youkai: Demon
Reikei tantei: Spirit Detectives

I'll continue when i get home.

October 21st, 2005, 04:27 PM
Well here are some dont mind the spelling...

Chichubei: Father
Inu: Dog
Shinigami: God of death
Rei: Spirit
Youkai: Demon
Reikei tantei: Spirit Detectives

I'll continue when i get home.

oh ok hi kuwabraw

October 22nd, 2005, 12:41 PM
Wow, that was really cool ... puts some things in perspective for me, when it comes to the language ^_^. I like the way you've segregated the meaning along with the pronunciations.
yes this is very helpful :p

terse vowels, pronounced clearly and sharply.
a - ah
e - get
i - we
o - old
u - soon

the thing about u being silent helps too. (desu is dehss.) desu ka is used a lot. gaziamasu(gah-zeye-mahs) too. I looked at that word and thought that the masu was mah-sue and it's not :p it's mahs, like the spanish word for more mas.

January 7th, 2006, 09:40 PM
Well I was looking up some terms today on google and all I could find where anime things so I ended up finding this site on page 230 of google and managed to find alot of things that I needed to find. The good thing is, it has nothing to do with anime and it dosnt just have japanese history terms it also has many other culters.

Heres the link have fun searching things: http://www.hikyaku.com/dico/histxtg36.html

January 9th, 2006, 03:49 AM
japanese is fun :D rei also means zero btw

tokoro de = by the way

un (actually, un is a really useful word to. it pretty much translates to "yeah")