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Ancient Clan Archives
Welcome to the Ancient Clan Archives. These archives serve as a resource to keep track of the history & memories of topics and events that took place here at Ancient Clan.

Wind Scar
Archives Completed
Written by Sledgstone   
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Well, its been years since I originally made this archive site but it is finally completed.'s main purpose was to give me the chance to save old topics from being deleted for a variety of reasons including server moves, database space limitations, hosting server issues, forum software changes/upgrades, database corruptions, etc. But as the years have progressed, many of these problems no longer exist. As of today I have finally completed the task of changing the entire archive into a flat file system that should never have to be touched or fixed again. All future archives, reviews, articles, etc. will stored on Please enjoy these archives.
Reviews Transferred!
Written by Sledgstone   
Tuesday, 01 January 2008
All the reviews from the old Ancient Clan site have been transferred to the archives and can be found at the following link:
Archives Updated
Written by Sledgstone   
Sunday, 19 March 2006
The navigation is complete and over 50 new topics have been added to the archive. The older archives will not be converted to this new layout. It would be too time consuming to transfer all those topics into this database. Updates to the archive will now be done about once a month and may not always require an update on this front page. Check back occassionaly and keep your eyes on the latest archives links above for recent topics.
Ancient Clan - Archives
Written by Sledgstone   
Saturday, 07 May 2005
Welcome to the Ancient Clan Archives. These archives serve as a resource to keep track of the history & memories of topics and events that take place here at Ancient Clan. is undergoing some major changes over the next couple months. New features to look forward to include:

1) Layout change.
2) Simplified navigation.
3) Searchable archives!

These archives are updated about once a month. Please check back often for old & new memories and an evergrowing resource of the history of Ancient Clan.

Until the change is complete, please view the Archives at
Death by Gundam

Wind Scar
Death by Gundam

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